Il Postino was a very good movie. I love poetry so watching a movie about it and being able to see that it also can have different sides such as a love side and can also be hateful thing. The movie had it's romantic sides and it's political sides that weren't so great. The movie made me laugh, made me think, and even made me sad for a momment. This movie was good and I'm very glad I was able to see it.

This movie shows a lot of Love. The themes love had in this movie was to show that you should love everything and everyone around you that you care and you really don't know what you have until it's gone. Mario had strong love for Pablo as a friend. His love showed alot when he told Pablo he would name his son Pablito. Pablo showed his love for Mario when he helped Mario win the waitress Beatrice's love. The type of love Beatrice and Mario had was also very strong. They had romantic love. Mario showed lots of love for where he lived. He talked about the nature in his town and how people lived. When Pablo died Mario showed his love for him by going back to the house where Pablo was living and sitting and visitng the places where they studied poetry and wrote poetry and thought about the good times and laughs they had. This showed that Mario loved Pablo a lot and cared about him even more.

Il Postino showed that where Mario lived had different types of class. When Pablo visited his town he wore a lot of bright and classy colored types of clothes. Mario and his family on the other hand wore alot of dark colors showing that they were lower class. When candidate came to there town asked for a favor and promised the lower class a lot of things and didn't come through with any of the things that he promised. This showed that the upper class used the lower class when they needed things and when the lower class was no longer needed they where forgotten.

The poetry in this movie was very strong and very romantic at times. The poetry in this movie was to show that you appreciate the small things in life. When Mario wrote his poem to Beatrice comparing the butterfly to her smile to her smile I also noticed that he used metaphors in his poetry. It also seemed as if Mario noticed how beatiful the island was that he lived on when Pablo died. So in his poetry he started write about the nature and the things that he loved about his island.

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