It hurts to see my love Tita -- who sits at the table lonely picking greens – have this hurtful look in her eyes. I wish I could tell her that I love her and show her happiness. But instead I’m married to her sister Rosaura who I want to show the exact opposite: no affection, love, no kissing or anything . I only married. .  . to be closer to my true love. It kills me inside to do such a painful thing. Oh could god just give me the strength; to get through the days without my love, with this broken heart, lonely nights, and depressed mornings. The fact that I can’t be with her is most depressing. The disgust that I taste when I see Rosaura, how I wish when we make love it was Tita. She is in my dreams; we sit on swings in a prairie. My heart aches because I know Tita is in need for love, in need for my love. How I wish I could just hold her just to be able to touch her. When we look eye to eye my body gets a chill like a zephyr has just come across. To live with something that I don’t want, how I work so hard for something I don’t have. I am in love with this women.

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